
Friday, January 9, 2009

Keeping Your New Years Commitments

The blog title is from the Friday Heart of the Matter Online Meme. I've been thinking & composing in my mind what my first blog post would be, but still not writing anything. This seemed like a good a start as any. Bear with me, because I'm not very technologically inclined.

I don't always make a New Years Resolution, but I inadvertently did this year. We (my family & I) wrote a New Years Letter this year, instead of a Christmas Letter. This is an excerpt from it:
I have learned this year that I need to slow down, and enjoy life, and all the wonderful people in mine; I thank God for all of them, including His Son, the greatest Teacher I am privileged to know and call Friend.
So, that's my resolution for 2009: I resolve to slow down, and enjoy life, and all the wonderful people in my life. A deep sigh comes with that, because it's easier said than done in 2009.

This week my daughter said, "Mom, I wish we weren't so busy." I replied with, "I wish we weren't either." Truly, I wish we were not so busy. At this point, in the middle of a school year, I find myself wishing I could start back in August, or July, and change some decisions and commitments. I'll do my best to slow down, even if I can't change the past.

My New Years Resolution goes along with the inspiration for the title of my blog, which is the song The Basics of Life, by the group 4 Him. I turned on the radio on New Years Day and that was the song playing. The song never gets old for me, and the words of the chorus always ring true:

"We need to get back to the basics of life,
A heart that is pure and a love that is blind,
A faith that is fervently grounded in Christ,
The hope that endures for all time,
These are the basics, we need to get back to the basics of life"

As a home school family, you'd think we have lots of slow time, but this was the first day all week that the only place we had to be was home. I often wish for a previous generation's slower pace. Finding that slower pace, I believe, involves getting back to the basics.

When I wake up in the morning I need to remember that God is the only one who can give me everything I need. I shouldn't expect my husband, or my children, to give me anything. Whatever I get from them is bonus. Without Christ I can do nothing, but with Christ all things are possible.

Our church has a sort of motto: Love God, Love Others, Serve Both. I learned this year from studying "To Love, Honor and Vacuum", by Sheila Wray Gregoire, with Lori at The Heart of the Matter, what the difference between being a servant like Jesus was and a sub-servant is (which is not a good thing). In the "other" category my family has to come first. I've told my children more than once that we should treat each other at least as good, or better, than we treat people outside our family. I know my mother said the same thing to my brother, sister, and I when we were children. Which means, I need to serve my family first. If I can't do things first for my family, I don't think I should be out trying to love & serve someone else.

God gave me my children to love, serve, teach, and be an example to first. They are my ministry in this season of life. I need to pour out the blessings I get from God on them (and my husband!) first. I know that when I do, those blessings spill over onto so many other people.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" Ecclesiates 3:1 NIV


  1. LOOK at YOU!! Really, it's so NEAT to put a face to ELVIS girl!! LOL!!:) Yea!! Your a blogger now!

    We are supposed to have the chapter today, but it's not looking like its up yet...I'm not sure. It was scheduled for today!

    HUGS! This is great...I'm going to add you to my list!

    You sum it up so well girl!

    God gave me my children to love, serve, teach, and be an example to first. They are my ministry in this season of life. I need to pour out the blessings I get from God on them (and my husband!) first. I know that when I do, those blessings spill over onto so many other people.

    I'll add AMEN to that!!

    Have a great day!!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! :) I feel like it's such a great way to keep in touch. I love your blog and look forward to reading more!

    Love, Sara
