Saturday, March 27, 2010

Science Fair

Tuesday was the Homeschool Science Fair hosted by our local children's librarian (who is AWESOME!). Ellie worked with her friend, Sam (she's a girl, Sam is her nickname), and brother Wyatt. Wyatt wanted to do more, but some things Ellie didn't want him to help with (and Sam apparently couldn't sleep for worry that he would ruin the graphs). He did help by entertaining Sam's little bro's and sis. Wyatt also helped count kernels, and Ellie let him help just a little with the graphs.

The kids did a project on testing how well different popcorn poppers popped popcorn. Hey! That would make a pretty good tongue twister. How many times can you say that fast?
Okay, back to the serious science project. They compared Orville Reddenbacher microwave popcorn with Orville Reddenbacher kernels in a microwave air popper, a regular air popper and a kettle cooker. They compared how many kernels were unpopped out of 500 (that was the constant from counting all the popped and unpopped kernels in the microwave bag). Then they measured fluffiness by putting each batch in the same bowel and then measuring it with a ruler. And then the not so scientific test of taste. The air popper was the fluffiest, but the kettle cooker popped the most kernels and was the tastiest by the testers (kettle corn has sugar on it...was there really a contest in taste?).

The votes at the contest were by penny's in a jar (later donated to charity). The Popcorn Project (as the kids named the science project) also included samples of the two winners. Guess who won the science fair? And made a mess in the library?

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Day with Grandpa

Some of you may not know, but I have a secret life. Well, it's really not so secret. I work part time as an optician. Right now we are short on help, so I'm also the fill in person. One of the ladies at work had a doctors appointment yesterday morning, so I got to fill in...and my Dad got to spend the morning and part of the afternoon with my kids. And if you're wondering...what about homeschooling? Well, the great thing is, you can do that any time of day (and we do), and we homeschool year round (thank you, Lord, that we decided that!) school will get made up.

Well, the kids and Grandpa had a great day. He found the Create channel on PBS. Mom and Dad have satellite, but we just have an antenna and digital converter box. I think Dad had fun finding new educational tv shows. Create had art and woodworking. So Dad and the kids all enjoyed the shows.

When I got home both kids were working on a drawing art project. Wyatt made a picture of a house, hills, grass, sun, and dog and wrote "I Love Grandpa. Love, Wyatt". Ellie was finishing a castle with the sun, a rainbow, and alligators in a moat. They gave their drawings to Grandpa when he left and we all gave him hugs.

They were all smiles and excited. The kids couldn't wait to tell me about their day. They had also painted and had a pile of paintings to show me. Little did I know Grandpa was going to homeschool! Though my parents are both good teachers, and Dad especially loves to learn new things. I am blessed to have young parents (and be the oldest in my family). I'm so glad they had that special day with Grandpa. I know that will be a wonderful memory for them.