
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vacation Bible School: Fruit of the Spirit at the County Fair

This was the first year that the church we attend had a traditional Vacation Bible School.  Well, I would say semi-traditional, because we had the classes in the evening.  When I was growing up, we always had VBS 
during the morning.

The theme was Fruit of the Spirit and a County Fair. I did the actions for the songs.  Ellie and Wyatt, and some of their friends, wound up being my backup dancers; that is why Ellie and Wyatt are dressed country.  The volunteers were supposed to dress up every night.  I wish I would have had the kids take pictures of me, because I wore a different outfit every night.  I still like playing dress-up!

I added this because it shows the awesome stage that some of the volunteers created for the skits.

This is Ellie during recreation, using a fly swatter to put stray balloons into the corral.

Ellie and her BFF.

Wyatt modeling his green house.

I only remembered to bring my camera two nights.
This night, the Farmhand Fun was all about goats.
The kids got to try goat milk and goat cheese.

And meet a live meat goat.

Wyatt at Farmhand Fun.

They made garden stones.

Ellie, her BFF, and a friend from church.

Ellie at Farmhand Fun.

A fellow homeschool mom teaching the kids about goats.

The "actors" for the skits.

Wyatt working his stray balloon into the corral.

My ladies Bible Study group, the inspiration for our first ever traditional VBS.
Just for fun, we are three homeschool teachers and one public school teacher.
Wonder if anyone could guess who was who... there are pretty good odds.

Afterwards, people were asking if I had recovered from VBS.  I said there was nothing to recover from.  Truly, I had fun.

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